IJNET | What journalists should know about AI-generated disinformation
AI technologies, such as voice cloning software, large language models and text-to-image generators, have made it easier to create misleading content. On social media, in particular, it is not uncommon to come across false AI-generated videos, pictures and audio clips. Read the article here.
Journalism.co.za | Beyond the broadcasting industry
The broadcasting industry in South Africa has seen many changes, started in the 1920s but the arrival of democracy changed the sector dramatically. This article explores the history of broadcasting in South Africa the different changes it has experienced and what AI means for the industry. Read the article here.
Nieman Reports | Hey journalists, nobody is coming to save us
Individual journalists must actively manage their careers, build robust professional networks, invest in continual education, and pay attention to business and media news, to ride the waves of this turbulent profession — and be ready to leap when the time comes. Read the article here.
WAN IFRA | How The Conversation is boosting engagement with an aim of driving donations
The Conversation, whose content leans heavily on the views of academics and experts of industry, is using audience insights to tailor its articles to their readers and illicit donations from them to keep the publication going in the absence of a paid subscriptions model. Read the article here.
Committee to Protect Journalists | Journalist casualties in the Israel-Gaza conflict
As the Israel-Gaza war rages, the Committee to Protect Journalists has been reporting on the rising numbers of journalists reporting on the ground who have been caught in the crossfire. Some have been killed, others detained and many more are missing. The organisation has compiled a list that is growing by the day. Read it here.
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