| Must-have skills for a media startup

Trying to start a media company in the news industry can be challenging but it is achievable. CEOs of successful media start-up share their insights and experiences of starting a business. This is a must-read for anybody thinking of starting a media company or for anybody who has just started a media company. Read the article here.

Nieman Lab | Why The Continent asked its readers if it should accept an advertising deal

The Continent took a bold step recently to ask its readers whether it should take on an advertising offer from a bank. It was a step towards more transparency that is seldom seen in the industry. Readers welcomed the move, with 82% of respondents voting in favour of the deal on the condition that this would not interfere with the publication’s independence. As one reader said, “good journalism costs money”. Find out how audience engagement is taking on a new meaning in this piece. Read the article here.

Entrepreneur | How the ‘death’ of journalism means more accurate news

Has the information age heralded the beginning of the end for journalism? This writer thinks so, arguing that over time people go directly to the source for information and will not require journalists to collect information and report on it for the public. He goes on to say that experts will be the ones that break down news in their fields into accessible and easily digestible pieces. Does he have a point? Read the article here.

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Poynter | The next generation of journalists 

Journalism can be demanding, leaving journalists feeling overworked. However, the new generation of journalists is aware of the risks involved in this industry to their minds, bodies and bank accounts, and they’re not always willing to make the trade. Read the article here.

Canada Land | How disabled journalists have to fight to get into the newsroom

This article is an eye-opener, very often the experiences of disabled journalists are not documented or known. This article gives an insight into being a disabled journalist. This article is beneficial for newsrooms and media companies to do better and provide resources and ensure that their newsrooms or workplaces are accommodating to the needs of disabled journalists.  Read the article here.

What’s New In Publishing | Using audio to encourage greater engagement

Getting high readership figures used to be the goal of many a digital publisher. These days you need to go a step ahead and ensure greater audience engagement. One way to do that, as laid out in this piece, is to solicit audio from your readers and add it to your content mix. Read more about how to go about it here.



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