Reuters Institute | Tips for transforming your newsroom
The pandemic that swept the world 2 years ago forced a change in workforce culture and newsrooms were no exception. After speaking to a number of media leaders and heads of news organisations, Federica Cherubini shares lessons that she gained and what can be expected from newsrooms of the future. The challenges are many but can be faced with “intentional leadership” she writes. Read the article here.
WAN IFRA | Five climate change storytelling tips from mobile journalist Yusuf Omar
Climate change may be one of the most important issues of our time, but the bigger challenge remains in conveying its importance to the general public when journalists themselves struggle to make sense of it. Mobile journalist Yusuf Omar has added his voice to the conversation, adding that this needs to hear more about solutions and less about problems. He shared five storytelling tips for engaging audiences on climate change. Read the article here.
Media Update | Three ways to beat writer’s block
There’s nothing like writer’s block to hit you at the most inopportune moment. While some of the best writers experience it from time to time, there are ways to overcome it with these three handy tricks. Read the article here.
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The Conversation | Saving journalism: views on how to pay for reliable information
The New York Times | How to write about science!
Reporting on science can be complex and technical, with journalists trying to work through the jargon and write a story that is easily understandable to the public. Read the article here.
Lion Publishers | A small business newsletter, specifically for digital news publishers
Taking feedback from their reader survey into consideration, Lion has created a smaller new newsletter that will factor in several of its audience’s concerns. Read more about what news entrepreneurs want to know here.