Wits Centre for Journalism | State of the Newsroom – 100 Years of Radio Broadcasting

This State of the Newsroom shows that radio has the powerful potential to continue to create the inclusive, democratic culture that we looking for, but that many challenges exist. Read the full report here.

INMA | New report tackles how constructive journalism engages new audiences

Although research shows negative news earns more clicks, positive news is more likely to lead to subscription conversions. The latest strategic report from INMA explains the business case for constructive journalism and shares case studies from around the world. Read the article here.

The Fix Media | Ten lessons in media innovation

Driving innovation for legacy media means taking strategy seriously, creating space for audience ambassadors, and building shared aspirations. Read the article here.

Reuters Institute | Navigating malign influence campaigns: a guide for journalists and newsrooms

‘Washington Post journalist Regine Cabato takes stock of lessons gained during the 2022 Philippines presidential election. Read the article here.

Columbia Journalism Review | What journalists and academics can learn from each other

Scholars and journalists rarely come together except for the occasional interview, which can end up feeling like an interplanetary exchange. Read the article here.

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