NiemanLab | Some resources for following the war in Ukraine
As the world watches in awe over the events unfolding in Ukraine at the hands of Russian troops, there is an overload of information that journalists will be expected to unpack for their audiences. Not everyone is well-versed in the happenings and history of the two countries and the tensions between Russia and the West. This piece offers some reliable resources for keeping track of the latest news. Read it here.
Voice of America | High rates of sexual harassment in Kenyan newsrooms
According to a global media study involving 20 countries, journalists in Kenya have reported the highest rates of sexual harassment in newsrooms. Around 65% of female journalists surveyed in Kenya say they have faced physical or verbal harassment. This article details the sexual harassment that women face in the journalism industry. Read the article here.
Nieman Lab | Quartz launches a membership for Africa
News publications and media organisations are looking for new ways to make revenue, with many turning to subscription business models. Quartz has joined the trend by launching a membership model for Africa. The membership will give you access to information on startups, innovators and sectors that are driving Africa’s technological boom. Read more here.
Poynter | How to spot video and photo fakes as Russia invades Ukraine
Now more than ever, journalists have to be aware of the fake images and videos that are popping up on social media. Poynter gives a detailed guide on how to separate fact from fiction in order to report accurately. This information will be worth noting for future reporting. Read the article here.
The Fix Media | Six inspiring growth strategies from successful publishers
Ever wondered what the secret to the successful growth of publishers is? Well, it’s not a secret. It’s more of a focused strategy and thinking out of the box. These tips have yielded great returns for some of the world’s top publishing companies. Read the article here.
Media Update | Four tips to help journalists find their beat
Journalism can be a challenging industry to navigate and finding the right beat to cover can offer even more challenges. However, Media Update has provided a list of tips to help you figure out which beat is best for you to cover. Read the piece here.
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