WAN-IFRA | How publishers are banking on AI to drive their business
We have reported how artificial intelligence can be beneficial to journalism, now the World Association of News Publishers has released a report that found that 75% of media executives surveyed believe that AI will be critical to their business by the year 2024. Read the piece here.
The Fix Media | Should publishers be worried about pandemic fatigue and peak content demand?
While the pandemic may have had the whole world in lockdown, it also opened up the floodgates to people sitting at home anxious for news updates. Now that life is returning to normal, however, a ‘reversal’ in traffic and subscription numbers is expected. Read the article here.
Journalism.co.uk | Solutions journalism: 11 years of lessons from the NYT’s Fixes column
Solutions journalism may have become more prominent over the last couple of years, but it has been around for a long time before we even knew it was called solutions journalism. Enter the New York Times’ Fixes column which, before it was shut down at the end of 2021, reported on solutions to problems ranging from the ordinary to the more complex. The co-creator of the now-defunct column shares his lessons in this interesting piece here.
IJNET | How to use Twitter’s #JournoRequest to find sources for your stories
Social media can often be described as a blessing and a curse for journalists, especially Twitter, known for its viral impact, breaking news, and trending topics. In the same breath, more and more journalists are using it more as a resource to search for sources and subjects for their articles. This piece offers tips on how to do that effectively. Read the article here.
The media online | Eight ways to rebuild trust in journalism
According to the 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Spring Update: A World in Trauma, trust in traditional news media is at a record low, so how can journalists and the media rebuild trust with audiences. This article provides tips on how to do it. Read it here.
Media update | The importance of social media in journalism
The relationship between journalism and social media is highly contested, with some critics saying that social media has negatively changed the journalism landscape and others saying that social media has dramatically changed the journalism landscape. However, this article offers a fresh take on how journalists can use social media to grow and build their audience. A must-read.
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