The Africa Report | Gaza: Lack of global attention on journalists jailed in Africa

The war in Gaza and the plight of Palestinian journalists have taken the world’s focus away from Africa where more journalists are being jailed, according to a report by the Committee to Protect Journalists. Read more here.

IJNET | This platform is challenging common stereotypes about Africa

Ever since award-winning Nigerian-American journalist Chika Oduah started practicing journalism, she has sought to cover Africa with more nuance. This proved to be more challenging than she expected. Read more here.

Second Rough Draft | How to share bad news with a newsroom (and how not to)

The first thing to remember in talking to your own newsroom is that it is full of professional skeptics. So, where obfuscation is rarely an effective communication technique with anyone, it’s especially unwise when talking to reporters and editors. Read more here.

Daily Maverick | After the Bell: We are in a terrible state – trust me, I’m a journalist

Business people have become the most trusted group if you compare them with government representatives, journalists and NGOs, writes Tim Cohen. Read the article here.

The Conversation | Simulations with actors prepare journalism students to interview trauma survivors

Despite evidence that classroom simulations are beneficial in the training of news professionals, they haven’t been widely used in journalism education. Read the article here.

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