DW | In Cameroon, investigative journalists want more protection

Martinez Zogo, director of the private radio station Amplitude FM, was kidnapped on 17 January by unknown assailants and five days later his body was found near the capital, Yaoundé. The murder of Zogo has heightened the concerns Cameroonian journalists have about safety and the lack of media freedom in the country. Read the article here.

Mail and Guardian | Facebook offers African moderators a pitiful severance

About 200 African content moderators are being laid off by Sama, Meta’s Kenyan subcontractor. This comes after Facebook’s parent company Meta declined to renew Sama’s contract, which expires at the end of March. Moderators, who have been exposed to the very worst content on Facebook, including graphic violence, suicide, and child pornography, will each receive 15 days of pay for each year they worked with Sama. Read the article here.  

What’s New In Publishing | Best paywall examples in 2023

Free content is a thing of the past in today’s media world and publications around the world are increasingly putting their content behind a paywall. The trend is also growing with African publications. Learn about the different types of paywalls and be inspired by the organisations that have made a success of it. Read the article here.

The Conversation | “I covered murder-suicides and learned how journalists were vulnerable to trauma”

Journalists are trained to be objective and neutral, so they are able to report on events, no matter how disturbing, without emotional involvement. Despite the training, journalists still experience trauma whilst covering these types of stories. The author wrote about her experience of covering stories that are about murder-suicide and the impact she was not aware it had on her. Read the article here. 

Daily Maverick | Russian, Iranian hackers pose as journalists in e-mails, UK says

According to British cybersecurity officials, there are hacking groups linked to Russia and Iran that are duping people into clicking malicious links by impersonating journalists and experts. Read the article here.

The Fix Media | How publishers can leverage LinkedIn to reach their audience

LinkedIn is more than a professional networking platform. It has become an avenue for publishers to attract engaged readers and identify themselves as thought leaders in their field. Here are seven tips for those who aren’t certain how to go about improving their LinkedIn strategy. Read the article here.

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