WAN-IFRA | How editors are adapting to the new generation of journalists

How can the new generation of journalists and the older guard of journalists work together despite their different attitudes and approaches in the newsroom? Increasingly, newsrooms have hired more younger people and it has caused tensions with their more established counterparts. Speakers at the World News Media Congress 2022 share their experiences and how to make this dynamic work. Read the article here.

What’s New In Publishing | Publishers unmoved by the end of Facebook Instant Articles

Facebook’s parent company Meta has announced the end of Instant Articles, seven years after they were first introduced. Media publishers though have shrugged off the move as most will prefer readers click links that direct them to news websites instead of reading the full article on the Facebook app. Instant Articles were created to improve the experience of mobile readers but Meta has found that the articles have been underused across the board. Read the article here.

Journalism.co.uk | 10 portfolio and publishing platforms for freelancers

Reaching out to editors is the first hurdle but once you’ve got their attention, selling yourself and pitching your stories is the next hurdle. To make yourself stand out, it is essential to have an appealing portfolio that showcases your work, awards, and who you are as a journalist. This article lists platforms that can help you achieve this. Read the article here

IJNET | How to create news for younger audiences

Creating and curating content for younger audiences is crucial as it can capture a new audience of readers early on. Using visuals and explaining the news to children are some of the ways that can help you connect with them as readers. Learn what else publishers can do to create news for younger audiences. Read the article here.

INMA | Is there a case against media innovation?

So often there are calls for media to transform and innovate in order to adapt to ever-changing trends across the industry. However, this writer argues that what is new is not always the better. Teams should look at the options at hand before choosing to innovate. This is a useful perspective for media companies. Read the article here.

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