• SHOWING RESULTS FOR: Podcasting In Africa

  • Let’s talk about the environment, with journalist Sophie Mbugua

    Sophie Mbugua is a Nairobi-based environmental journalist, podcaster, and host of the Africa Climate Conversations Podcast – a platform that highlights climate change conversations from an African perspective

  • Goodnight Azania: an exploration of culture, history

    As we continue to honour Africa Podcast Day, we interviewed Mzamo Mncibi, podcast host of Goodnight Azania

  • Nyamishana’s Podcast: an audience of one

    “I’m doing the podcast for myself, I am my first audience and I feel that I need to serve myself first before I can serve anyone else,” says Ugandan writer and podcaster Prudence Nyamishana

  • Nipe Story: an intersection of queerness with fiction

    There aren’t enough stories about Africa, there needs to be more storytelling, podcasts and literature that tell the African story, says Kenyan journalist and podcaster Kevin Mwachiro


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