Commonwealth short story competition

The prize is free to enter and open to any citizen of a Commonwealth country aged 18 and over. It is awarded for the best piece of unpublished short fiction (2,000–5,000 words). Submissions should be made via the online entry form which is available from the link below. The eligibility and entry guidelines can be found here. The international judging panel will select a shortlist of around twenty stories, from which five regional winners are chosen. One of the regional winners is then selected as the overall winner, who receives £5,000. The regional winners will receive £2,500. All five regional winning stories will be published on Granta. For details and to apply, click here.

Deadline I November 1

Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Programme

The Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Programme hosts democracy activists, scholars, and journalists for five-month fellowships, bringing fresh insights and perspectives to Washington, DC. The fellowship offers an important opportunity to explore new ideas in a comparative context, undertake individual research, and share best practices. For details and to apply, click here.

Deadline I November 6

The Gambia Press Union National Journalism Award

The awards honour and celebrates courage and excellence in Gambian journalism across all type of news and information media – print, online/multimedia platforms, radio, television, and photography. Journalists can submit entries to 17 categories. Works must be published or broadcast between January 1 and December 31, 2022. For details and to apply, click here.

Deadline I November 9

2023 Philip Meyer Awards

The Philip Meyer Journalism Award honours stories that utilise a wide variety of research tools, from probabilities to survey research. The contest is presented by the National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting, the Knight Chair at Arizona State University’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication and Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE). Works must have been published or broadcast between October 1, 2021, and September 30, 2022. Entries submitted in other languages must be accompanied by English translations. One person on the story’s team must be a current IRE member. For details and to apply, click here.

Deadline | November 10

CNN Climate Reporting 

Early-career journalists, content creators and storytellers from developing countries in the Global South can apply for training. CNN Academy, in partnership with The Rockefeller Foundation, is offering the training programme Climate Storytelling from the Global South. The programme includes a Climate Storytelling Simulation that will be held in Abu Dhabi from December 3 to 10. The programme seeks journalists who are dedicated to shedding light on the profound effects of the climate crisis within their home countries. Fifteen climate storytellers will be selected. They will attend a comprehensive media training programme that covers aspects of climate change reporting such as strategies for communicating complex scientific information, techniques for investigative journalism, and more. Participants will produce a compelling short documentary spotlighting the impact of the climate crisis. CNN Academy will cover the cost of the trip to Abu Dhabi. For details and to apply, click here.

Deadline | November 15

2024 Earth Journalism Network Reporting Fellowships

Applications are open to journalists working in any medium (online, print, television, multimedia, new media). They encourage applications from freelance reporters and staff from all types of media organisations — international, national and local. For details and to apply, click here.

Deadline | November 16

Global pitch for Global change

The Global pitch organised by Sunny Side of the Doc is looking for stories that are important, powerful, original, committed and engaging, inspiring, moving, analytical, investigative, solution-oriented and dealing with issues and challenges linked to the 17 sustainable development goals to map what the world of tomorrow could and should be. They are open to all forms of storytelling, innovative narratives and even, why not, humorous and playful! The call is open to all professionals, whether confirmed or emerging, from every country in the world to all types of stories and all subjects as long as they are linked to the 17 SDGs. For details and to apply, click here.

Deadline | November 24

Environmental Investigative Grants 

GRID-Arendal is offering grants for investigative journalism projects focused on environmental crime in developing countries. In 2024, they are offering a total of six grants, each representing 20,000 Norwegian kroner (approximately €2,000). GRID-Arendal is a partner of the United Nations Environment Programme and collaborates with other partners on projects that protect the environment, restore ecosystems and advance the Sustainable Development Goals. Themes that will be considered for this year’s projects include illegal wildlife trade and poaching; illegal logging and timber trade; illegal mining; illegal, unreported and unregulated fisheries; plastic waste crimes; the impact of armed conflicts on the environment; and more. For details and to apply, click here.

Deadline | December 4

John S. Knight Journalism Fellowships

Journalists who want to collaborate with others to pursue ideas for addressing the biggest challenges facing journalism can apply for a 10-month fellowship. Each year, the John S. Knight Journalism Fellowships selects up to 20 fellows to spend an academic year at Stanford University. During their fellowship, they have access to some of the world’s most innovative thinkers and organizations, from technology giants to hot new startups to Stanford’s 100-plus special institutes and centres. Fellows receive a stipend of US$95,000 and supplements to assist with living expenses. The cost of Stanford tuition and Stanford health care is also covered.  Ideally, candidates will have at least five years of experience. For details and to apply, click here.

Deadline | December 6

Deadline | December 7

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Programme

The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Programme provides a year of non-degree graduate-level study, leadership development and professional collaboration with US counterparts. The US Congress provides primary funding for the Humphrey Programme through the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the US Department of State. Participants from the following regions are eligible: Sub-Saharan Africa, Europe, Middle East and North Africa, East Asia and Pacific, South and Central Asia and the Western Hemisphere.

During the programme, fellows pursue both their individual programme goals and work closely with their Humphrey colleagues in workshops and seminars. Unlike a typical American graduate school experience, the programme encourages fellows to travel from their host campus to learn more about American culture and network with their American peers. Applicants must have at least an undergraduate degree, a minimum of five years of full-time, professional experience, demonstrated leadership qualities, a commitment to public service in their community and be fluent in English. For details and to apply, you can click here.

Deadline I Rolling

Pulitzer Center Journalism Grants on Crisis Reporting

The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, a non-profit organisation that supports independent global journalism, is seeking applications for innovative data-driven journalism projects that spotlight underreported issues. This opportunity is open to all newsrooms and independent journalists in the United States and abroad. For details and to apply, click here.

Deadline | Rolling



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