JIAS writers workshop

The Johannesburg Institute for Advanced Study (JIAS) invites applications from emerging African creative writers for its Inaugural Writers’ Workshop. From June 2 to June 29, 2022, JIAS will host a group of promising African creative writers. The workshop will be a writing-intensive, four-week programme for early-career writers who have a current work in progress that they would like to complete or polish. Each writer will focus on her/his/their individual work as well as read others’ work and provide feedback. For details and to apply, click here.

Deadline | 1 February 2022

Taco Kuiper Awards for Investigative Journalism 2022

The Taco Kuiper Award recognises outstanding examples of investigative reporting that reveal untold stories, hold the powerful into account, and question those in public life. The award is open to all journalists (which includes those who work in broadcast, online, and photography) for stories about South Africa. For details and to apply, click here.

Deadline | 4 February 2022

Indigenous Environmental story grants

Call for pitches from indigenous journalists anywhere in the world on environmental issues related to the rights and well-being of indigenous communities. For details and to apply, click here. 

Deadline | 7 February 2022

One World Media Awards 

The One World Media Awards recognises the best media coverage of the global south. Stories that break through stereotypes, change the narrative and connect people across cultures. For details and to apply, click here. 

Deadline | 10 February 2022

Reuters Institute Journalism Fellowship

The Journalism Fellowship Programme at the Reuters Institute is one of the world’s leading schemes for practising, mid-career journalists to take some time out from their day jobs to explore journalism in-depth. For details and to apply, click here.

Deadline | 14 February 2022

UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize 2022

The award recognises each year a person, organisation/institution that has made a notable contribution to the defence and/or promotion of press freedom anywhere in the world. For details and to apply, click here.

Deadline | 15 February 2022

2022 Ochberg Fellowship

The Ochberg Fellowship is the Dart Center’s flagship programme for senior and mid-career journalists who wish to deepen their knowledge of emotional trauma and psychological injury, and improve reporting on violence, conflict and tragedy. This year’s fellowship will be held July 22-28 at Columbia University in New York City. For details and to apply, click here.

Deadline | 22 February 2022

Anja Niedringhaus Courage In Photojournalism Award

The Award recognises the importance of visual journalistic work that inspires us to take action and compels us to better understand the world. Created in 2014 with a $1 million gift from the Howard G. Buffett Foundation, the award will be given annually to a woman photojournalist whose work reflects courage and dedication, as Anja’s does. The award winner will be publicly honored, have her work showcased, and receive a cash prize of $20,000. For details and to apply, click here.

Deadline | 24 February 2022

2022 Africa Digital for Development (D4D) Journalism Competition

The competition is open to all African journalists who use online media to report on the impact of digital technologies on people’s lives across the African continent, and the policies needed to reap their benefits for sustainable and inclusive development For details and to apply, click here.

Deadline | 28 February 2022

Baraza Media Lab Incubator

This 12-month program welcomes both for-profit and non-profit organizations, as well as individuals and teams who wish to create an organization or implement a specific innovative project in the media space. The incubatees will receive a $2,500 stipend, strategic mentoring and training, workplace essentials and much more. For details and to apply, click here. 

Deadline | Rolling

Thomson Foundation: News Writing: The art of storytelling

This course is designed to teach you how to write news stories in an effective and engaging way using techniques employed by Ewen MacAskill and other journalists around the world. Ewen will teach you when and how to go beyond the inverted pyramid model of storytelling to make your stories stand out and to make you a better storyteller.

This is a first of a three-course series on news writing. In courses 2 and 3, Ewen will take you through more advanced techniques and the art of news analysis. For details and to apply, click here.

Deadline | Rolling



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