View Calendar
July 14, 2021 - July 16, 2021 All day

Language: English (One session in kiSwahili)

Fee: Free

Radio Days Africa (RDA) is the largest radio conference in Africa and it aims to promote conversations around radio’s role in the audio revolution. Held on an annual basis, RDA is presented by the Wits Radio Academy under the auspices of the Department of Journalism at the University of the Witwatersrand. Radio Days Africa aims to stimulate learning, engagement, conversation and thinking around the various aspects of the radio business, in an African context. Now its a 12-year, the conference themed “Audio Amplified”, will take place over 10 days with a morning and afternoon session. This year also sees the first kiSwahili exclusive session with Washa Radio.

Visit the Radio Days Africa website for more information on sessions and how to register.



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