1. The rise of African environmental investigative journalism | The increased prevalence of organisations providing opportunities for environmental journalists has spawned a visible ripple effect.
  2. Investigative journalism: the good, bad and ugly | Naipanoi Lepapa is a freelance investigative journalist based in Kenya. She spoke about how challenging it can be for a freelance journalist in Kenya.
  3. The fragility of press freedom in Africa | The ability of journalists to work and report freely is dependent on the political and social conditions of a country.
  4. Navigating the newsroom with Kenya’s Jamila Mohamed | Jamila Mohamed, managing editor at Kenya’s Citizen TV, says she is pleased to see more women running newsrooms as managing editors and editors.
  5. The top fact-checking news websites in Africa | Here is a list of fact-checking organisations in Africa which have been working tirelessly to curb the spread of fake news and misinformation.
  6. Is there a gap in environmental reporting in Africa? | The challenge with environmental journalism is to present it in a way that is interesting and understandable to people.
  7. A data journalism platform in Burundi IWACU Open Data aims to provide open data about Burundi. The platform hopes to position itself as an essential working tool for journalists confronted with the problem of access to data in the country.
  8. Behind Africa’s data journalism boom | There is a growing crop of data journalism start-up founders in Africa who are benefitting from a fresh appreciation of figures in reporting – and beyond.
  9. The basics of smartphone filmmaking | We spoke to smartphone filmmakers and mobile journalists about the basics of smartphone filmmaking and some of the tools and techniques they use to capture compelling stories.
  10. African investigative journalists: unearthing secrets | We caught up with African investigative journalists to discuss their experiences in the field and some of the challenges they face.
  11. How to be a successful freelance journalist | Freelancing has become a popular career that allows journalists the flexibility to choose what type of content they create and which media publications they can sell their work to.
  12. Media innovation programmes across Africa | We list existing accelerators, incubators and innovation programmes focused on journalism and media in Africa that we’ve found to date.
  13. How TheCable is promoting a culture of fact-checking | TheCable, an independent online newspaper, is helping to debunk misinformation by promoting a culture of fact-checking in Nigeria.
  14. Nigerian journalists embracing climate journalism | Newsrooms and local journalists are helping to promote climate action and awareness through their reporting.
  15. How we teach journalism must include media ownership | Journalism education results in a system in which journalists are merely people who do ‘journalism’ rather than people who start or own ‘journalism’.



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